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window condensation

Why do windows get condensation between the panes?

Why is there condensation in the form of water-like droplets or perspiration on the outside of my new, double paned, insulated, thermal window panes? Is that normal? Have the seals gone bad?

It is perfectly normal and is actually a good thing that you are seeing external condensation which happens in warm, humid weather.

What it means is that your windows are pushing back against the transfer of warmth to the inside. Meaning, your windows are doing a fantastic job of insulating your home.

It’s similar to when you have a cold drink outside and it starts sweating. The reason for that is that the drink is cold on the inside and it is warm and humid on the outside. The cup is trying to insulate the coldness of the drink from the heat outside.

Just like that drink, you can wipe away the condensation, but it will go away on its own as the sun hits it.

Your windows can also condensate or sweat on the inside if it is cooler outside and the air in your home is warm and moist.

Remember, even your body sweats when it is hot on the inside and cooler on the outside.